
Thinking of Renting a Furnace or AC? Think Again.

Thinking of Renting a Furnace or AC? Think Again. Recently I visited a nice lady about selling her home. The house was less than 15 years old and she informed me that both her furnace and A/C units were brand new and rentals. She was shocked to learn that buyers ...

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Thinking of Renting a Furnace or AC? Think Again.

Thinking of Renting a Furnace or AC? Think Again. Recently I visited a nice lady about selling her home. The house was less than 15 years old and she informed me that both her furnace and A/C units were brand new and rentals. She was shocked to learn that buyers ...

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Why That Realtor Isn’t Rushing to Show You Their Listing

So you have been casually browsing the MLS and a great property pops up. You don’t have a realtor yet and have been in “research mode” of home buying for awhile. You are finally ready to see a house in person. You are excited and call the listing agent. But ...

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Tips For Selling Your Home In Summer

TIPS FOR SELLING YOUR HOME IN SUMMER Finally… the trees have leaves, you’ve opened your windows to let in the fresh air and the sun sets later every day. Summer is just around the corner. If you have been holding out to list your home in warmer weather your time ...

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Market Snapshot Since Covid-19 Pandemic

April: First full month of sales in the pandemic. It’s been an unusual ride thus far navigating real estate sales through this pandemic. I have many clients, friends and family inquiring about the local real estate market. What is it like? Has the pandemic affected sales and home values? Will ...

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